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Invited Speakers -

Dr. Chih-Wei YANG

Dr. Chih-Wei YANG

Assistant Professor @
National Taichung University of Education

Topic of Presentation:


Speaker Bio: 

Chih-Wei Yang is an assistant professor at Graduate Institute of Educational Information and Measurement, National Taichung University of Education, Taiwan. He has been involved in several ITS projects on adaptive learning and adaptive testing, particular in measurement model and item bank construction. His research interests include cognitive diagnostic modeling, learning analytics, test development, and computerized adaptive testing.


適性教學(Adaptive Instruction)或稱作適性學習(Adaptive Learning)是數位學習重要的趨勢,是一種以電腦為教學互動工具的教學方法,電腦根據每個學習者回答的問題、任務及學習經驗的表現,提供符合每個學習者需求的學習素材。因材網是一個輔助教師進行適性教學與提供學生適性學習的數位學習平台,以知識結構為基礎,內容包含國中、小學之數學、語文及自然領域,為台灣教育部補助建置並開放學校使用之學習資源。工作坊中將介紹因材網的架構與內容,並著重在透過實際的操作,瞭解如何透過知識結構進行適性學習與適性測驗的應用方式,體驗因材網在教學與學習上的應用。
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