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Presentation Materials

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8th Feb, 2018 (Day 1)

Room 1 - W301

Prof. Xiangen HU, Dr. Zhiqiang CAI

AutoTutor: Creating Your Own Conversational Intelligent Tutoring Systems

Parallel Session (Invited) - A1

Dr. Hong Sheung CHUI

Assessment, Learning and Academic Achievement

Parallel Session (Invited) - C1

Principal Wai Shing HUNG, Mr. Shing Ho CHIU


Parallel Session (Invited) - E1

Mr. Victor Pat-Leung CHENG

How to Implement Digital Assessment in Schools?

Parallel Session (Invited) - G1

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Day 1 - W301

Room 2 - W404

Mr. Wing Tai CHEUNG

See:i build my future - 從設計思維出發開展STEM創客活動

Parallel Session - B2

Mr. Hoi Kin AU

From WE to Society---全校性STEM教育及生涯規劃

Parallel Session - C2

Ms. Anna LEE

Latest Development in the School-based Assessment (SBA) of Design and Applied Technology (DAT) in the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (HKDSE)

Parallel Session - D2

Principal Tsz Wing CHU


Parallel Session (Invited) - E2

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Day 1 - W404

Room 3 - W425

Prof. John Quan ZHANG

Winsteps and GITEST: Different but Alike
An Application of Rasch-based Software to Test Equating in China Mainland

Parallel Session (Invited) - A3

Prof. Cheng-Hsuan LI

A generalized nonparametric weighted cognitive diagnosis model by considering both conjunctive and disjunctive models

Parallel Session - D3

Dr. Muslem DAUD

Computerized Assessment and Implications on School Computer Education in Indonesia

Parallel Session (Invited) - E3

Dr. A.Y.M. Atiquil ISLAM

Systematic Research Approach of Model
Development and Validation in Higher Education

Parallel Session (Invited) - F3

Prof. Sheng-Hsien CHEN

Assessment of Clinically-based Teacher Preparation

Parallel Session - H3

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Day 1 - W425

Room 4 - W303

Dr. Mo Ching Shirley YEUNG

Quality of Data for Sustainable Learning / Teaching

Parallel Session - A4

Dr. Mo Ching Shirley YEUNG

Visual Assessment for Engagement, Innovations and Sustainable Development (SD)

Parallel Session - B4

Miss Nurhayati MUHAMMAD

Reconstructing Learners' Identify through Learning Awareness of Adolescents in Sukma Bangsa Pidie (SBP) School

Parallel Session - C4

Miss Ratna SARI DEWI

What Leads Adolescents Confusted with their Learning Identity in Sukma Bangsa Pidie (SBP) School

Parallel Session - D4

Mr. Wai Fung LEUNG

The Integration of Real-time Assessment and Self-directed Learning on a Digital Learning Platform

Parallel Session (Invited) - E4

Dr. Mo Ching Shirley YEUNG

Talent Development with Innovations/ Inter-disciplinary Knowledge

Parallel Session (Invited) - G4

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Day 1 - W303

9th Feb, 2018 (Day 2)

Room 1 - W301

Prof. Siu Cheung KONG

Use of a Bilingual Text-Mining System for Learning and Teaching and Assessment

Parallel Session (Invited) - I1

Mr. Stanley SETO

STEM by Me, Stand by Me

Parallel Session (Invited) - K1

Ms. Crisnie TAM


Parallel Session (Invited) - L1

Dr. Chih-Wei YANG


Parallel Session (Invited) - N1

Dr. Stanley HO

Smart Assessment for 21st Century Smart Learning – Integrating Computerized Knowledge Structure-based Adaptive Dynamic Assessment (CKSADA) with Self-Regulated Learning (SRL)

Parallel Session (Invited) - P1

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Day 2 - W301

Room 2 - W404

Dr. Huey-Min WU

One-to-One Intelligent Tutoring System in Learning Pythagoras Theorem

Parallel Session - I2

Ms. Chia-Ying CHOU

Development of Dialogue Based Intelligent Tutoring System for Understanding Math Word Problem

Parallel Session - J2

Prof. Chen-Huei LIAO

Preliminary Results of a Global Competence Computer-based Assessment in Taiwan

Parallel Session - K2

Prof. Sheng-Hsien CHEN


Parallel Session - M2

Dr. Hak-Ping TAM

Towards using concept mapping to automatically score students’ answers to constructed response items

Parallel Session (Invited) - N2

Dr. Shu Jiuan CHEN

An IRT-based Adaptive Testing for Assessing Pre-service teacher's Content Knowledge in Taiwan

Parallel Session - P2



Parallel Session - Q2

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Day 2 - W404

Room 3 - W420

Ms. Cecilia LAW


Parallel Session (Invited) - I3


Immersive formative assessment: building a holistic experience of pharmacy practice

Parallel Session - L3

Mr. Sin Wang Ivan CHONG

Giving and responding to e-feedback and handwritten feedback in an academic writing course for Early Childhood Education students

Parallel Session - N3

Mr. Sin Wang Ivan CHONG

Assessment as learning in an ESL writing classroom: Promoting students’ self-assessment using the S.E.L.F. model

Parallel Session - O3

Dr. Kun XU

An Investigation of the Psychometric Properties of ALO7 English Ability Scale

Parallel Session - P3

Dr. Kun XU

Automated Item Generation to Align English Knowledge Components in Formative Assessment Context

Parallel Session - Q3

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Day 2 - W420

Room 4 - W421

Mr. Eiffel CHAU


Parallel Session (Invited) - I4

Principal Sylvia CHAN


Parallel Session (Invited) - K4

Mr. Ka Heu Jeffrey MANG


Parallel Session (Invited) - M4

Miss Yuting MU

“Bullet Screen” —— from its influence on students’ communication to the potential of using live commenting in language teaching 

Parallel Session - N4

Dr. Lan YANG

Exploring an innovative teaching approach (TBL) to implement formative feedback to support students’ learning: Looking back and looking forward

Parallel Session - O4

Mr. Jozef METKE

Block Chain as Data Storage and Analysis for Knowledge Transfer

Parallel Session - Q4

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Day 2 - W421
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